Tullahoma Airport Needs Money To Repair Taxiway

Overhead view of Tullahoma Airport

The Tullahoma Airport Authority will be asking the Board of Mayor and Aldermen tonight to pay $40,000 in a matching grant share that will pay to repair the northwest taxiway and install lights. In an email board John Miller, Airport Authority chairman, informed the board through an email that the project is being paid for through a 95 percent and 5 % matching grant with the State Aeronautics Division paying most of the estimated $800,000 cost. Miller advised the board that the repair of the old taxiway is essential before any additional hangar projects can be constructed along the old taxiway. Miller said the authority’s capital improvement account has been earmarked for phase one of an improvement project, which involved repairing and lighting the taxiway to the XP services ramp and hanger complex. Tullahoma officials have been discussing how an airpark could be developed around where XP Services is located at the airport’s northwest end.