Old Timers Day In Manchester


Old Timers Day or days will be held Oct 3 & 4 in downtown Manchester. The big events begin Friday evening at 6 p.m. with Mayor Lonnie Norman speaking and announcing the reopening of the newly renovated Historical Downtown Square in Manchester. A concert by Messengers Edge will follow at 7 p.m.! Saturday’s activities will include the Old Timers Day Parade at 10am led by Grand Marshall Weldon Payne. Payne was the publisher of Manchester Times for 17 years plus he is known for his oil paintings and has written several books. Mr. Payne continues to write insightful articles each week in the Times. After the parade, come to the square for a petting zoo, greased pole climb, clogging, musical groups throughout the day, children’s activities, food and craft booths, an old fashioned ice cream eating contest, and much, much more!