Wildlife Officer, Tim Hancock, with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency will be conducting a Hunter Education Field Day event on Saturday March 21st at P & T Shooting Range located at 226 Archery Lane in Manchester. This event will meet from 12-3 p.m. and all participants must provide proof of successfully passing an on-line course. Participants must also pre-register for this field day event at tnwildlife.org. At this website, just click on “Hunter Education” and navigate to class listings, look for Coffee County listing. Again, this event coincides with all on- line Hunter Education Courses that are approved by the International Hunter Education Association.
Tennessee State law requires anyone born on or after January 1st, 1969 must successfully complete a Hunter Education Course before hunting. Participants must be at least 9 years of age to become certified in Tennessee Hunter Education.
The day’s event will include a review prior to re-taking the test and participants will shoot a 20 gauge shotgun on the firing range. This will be the only Hunter Education Field Day event offered in Coffee County this year by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. This event is free to all.