FOOTBALL PHOTOS AND FILM NEEDED: 100 years of Red Raider celebration begins next week

Do you have old Central High School Red Raider photos or digital game film or highlights? Thunder Radio needs more content for the 100-years of football celebration that kicks off next Friday, Aug. 19 when the Raiders host Franklin County.

The video production team at Thunder Radio will work hard to include as much submitted content in the jumbotron video as possible. Send content to

Celebrations are planned all season long during Red Raider football games. Make you plans to attend all Red Raider football games (schedule below). If you can’t make it, be sure to tune into Thunder Radio for complete Red Raider coverage beginning every Friday night at 6 p.m. with Friday Night Thunder Pregame show. If you can make it to the games, bring your portable radio and catch all the action at 107.9 FM, 1320 AM.