Fall Sports Coming–Heat Problem

As Tennessee high schools prepare for the upcoming fall sports season, student-athletes and their coaches are taking extra precautions in the extreme temperatures.
The Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association has specific regulations when it comes to training and competing in the heat.
With the current heat index of 100 to 105 degrees, athletes have unrestricted access to water.
When temps get to 105 degrees practice is to be shut-down.
If possible, coaches can move practice inside.

Heat Index Under 95°

Provide ample water. Water is always available and athletes have unrestricted access. Optional water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minute time frames.

Ice-down towels are available. Athletes should be monitored carefully. Re-check heat index every 30 minutes.

95° – 99° Heat Index

Provide ample water. Water is always available and athletes have unrestricted access. Mandatory water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minute time frames.

Ice-down towels are available. Reduce time outside or move indoors to air conditioning if possible. Postpone practice to later in the day if possible.

100° – 104° Heat Index

Move indoors to air conditioning if possible. Postpone practice to later in the day if possible. Contact sports should remove helmets or extra equipment when in non-contact practice. Re-check heat index every 30 minutes.

Heat Index 105° and Above

Stop all outside activity including practice or play. Stop all indoor activity if air conditioning is not available and the heat index indoors is 105° or greater.

Re-check heat index every 30 minutes.