CHS Cross Country is Up and Running!

cross_country_runner_oval_decalThe resurrected CHS Cross Country teams competed in their first meet in more than 30 years on Saturday at the Mid State Cross Country Association Voyles Classic in Smyrna.  71 teams were represented at the meet with over 450 runners. The Raiders finished in 39th place out of the 57 teams that competed as a team.  Andrew Rossom had the best time for Coffee County as he finished at 20 minutes and 44 seconds averaging a 6:40 mile.  Scott Randolph came in at 21:07; Maxwell Nicoll ran a 21:19, Neil Slone came in at 22:56 while Aaron Buck finished at 24:44.   For the girls, Makenzie Morgan led the Lady Raiders as she finished at 26:17; Kayla McCormick finished at 31:48 and Claire Spellings finished at 34:04.  After the race, Coach David Muckle expressed great pride for his team with how far they have come in such a short period of time.  “I think we did exceptionally well.  I am very proud of how our kids performed, they did a great job.”  The next meet for the Raider thinclads will be September 2nd in Bell Buckle at The Webb School.