100 YEARS OF FOOTBALL: Red Raider football alumni night set for Sept. 23. Sign up for your free shirt

This fall marks 100 years of football for the Red Raider program, dating back to the days as Manchester High School and then eventually Coffee County Central High School.

Celebrations and recognitions are planned for every home game this season with one of the biggest set for Sept. 23 home game against Spring Hill – Alumni Day.

Coach Doug Greene, the CHS administration and players are inviting all former players back to Carden-Jarrell Field for pregame recognition and to celebrate the rich history of Central High School football. Pregame recognition will be held at approximately 6:30 p.m. with kickoff set for 7 p.m.

Any Red Raider football alumni who plan to attend should sign up and provide your graduating class year and your t-shirt size – alumni in attendance will receive a t-shirt.

Click here to sign up.

You can hear the Red Raiders all season long on Thunder Radio – beginning every Friday night with the Friday Night Thunder Pregame show at 6 p.m. and kickoff at 7 p.m. Listen to Thunder Radio at 107.9 FM, 1320 AM, 106.7 FM, Manchester Go app or thunder1320.com. Full schedule below.