Zombies To Take Over Motlow

zombieThe Motlow College honors program will host its first annual Survival Run fundraiser on the Moore County campus Sept. 13, according to Dr. Scott Cook, associate professor of history and honors program coordinator.
On-site registration for the event will begin at 6 p.m. at the Forrester Student Center, and participants are invited to enjoy concessions and play volleyball in the courtyard after checking in. Zombie makeup will also begin at 6 p.m., with the run commencing at 8 p.m.
“The Survival Run will serve as a fundraiser that will raise money for trips that promote learning outside the classroom,” said Dr. Cook.
The run is a game where the goal for contestants is to become zombies. Each runner will begin the race with five flags and a yellow glow stick. Once all of a runner’s flags are taken, the runner must pick up a blue glow stick from a water station and become a zombie. The run ends when all runners become zombies.
A prize will be awarded to the last runner remaining and the zombie with the most flags. Both will receive free entry to the 2015 Survival Run.
The entrance fee for the run is $20 with the application due Sep. 5. Participants may register onsite the day of the race for $25. Zombie shirts may be purchased for an additional $20, but can only be preordered and will not be available the day of the race.
The entry application can be accessed on the Motlow College honors program website (www.mscc.edu/honors) and should be submitted to: Dr. Scott Cook, Motlow College Honors Program, P.O. Box 8500 Lynchburg, TN 37352-8500. Checks should be made out to MSCC. Please write Honors Program in the memo section.