Weather Service Visits AEDC

Phillip Lorenz, ATA Public Affairs, explains to National Weather Service employees the importance of the Propulsion Wind Tunnel Test Facility. (Photo by Jacqueline Cowan)

Members of the National Weather Service (NWS) recently visited Arnold AFB to understand the impact their services have on testing at the center.
ATA’s Emergency Management Team worked very closely with both the Huntsville and Nashville NWS offices in order for Arnold AFB to attain the designation of “Storm Ready Community” in May 2011.
“Over the course of becoming ‘Storm Ready’ we at AEDC have developed a sound working relationship with both Nashville and Huntsville weather forecasters,” said ATA Emergency Management Lead Daryl Justice. “They requested the tour, as they wanted to see the facilities they are providing their services to.”
The entire process of becoming “Storm Ready” took six months, and AEDC is the only military installation in Tennessee with the designation.
The tour group consisted of seven employees from the Nashville NWS office and eight employees from the Huntsville NWS office.