Two People Arrested for Church Burglaries in Shelbyville

Colby Donaldson

The Shelbyville Police Department has made an arrest in the recent rash of church burglaries. The break came Tuesday after police responded to a burglary at Victory Celebration Revival Church. Responding officers noticed footprints and tracks from what appeared to be a small dolly or cart leading from the rear of the church. The tracks were followed to a residence on Woodbury Street. Responding investigators also captured images of the suspects from the church’s video surveillance system.

Tammie Donaldson

At the residence on Woodbury Street Investigators made contact with Colby and Tammie Donaldson who denied the investigators entrance into the home. After a search warrant was obtained and executed at the residence police discovered thousands of dollars’ worth of property unlawfully taken from Victory Celebration Revival Church. While within the residence investigators also observed items taken from additional church burglaries and a burglary of a residence in Shelbyville. A subsequent search warrant was obtained, and the stolen property was collected.
As a result of the investigation the Donaldson’s have been charged with burglary and theft of property for their involvement in the offenses at Victory Celebration Revival Church, First Church of the Nazarene, Sevier Street Baptist Church, and Scott United Methodist Church. The couple has also been charged with aggravated burglary and theft of property for their involvement in a residential burglary. Both are in the Bedford County jail on a $170,000 bond. The investigation continues as to their possible involvement in other offenses.