The Motlow College honors program is offering tutoring for Motlow students until the last week of classes, according to Dr. Scott Cook, associate professor of history and honors program coordinator. Tutoring is free to all students and is offered on a ‘first come-first served’ basis. Tutors are available Monday through Wednesday, with tutoring taking place in Simon Hall room 114 on the Moore County campus. No appointment is necessary. “The honors tutoring program provides peer tutoring, free of charge, to Motlow students in a variety of subjects, including mathematics, composition and history among other areas,” said Dr. Cook. “Honors scholars donate their time and talents to this service to help their peers achieve success in all of their courses.” Tutors are not available during final exam week. For more information about the Motlow honors program or honors tutoring, contact Dr. Cook at or call 931-393-1738.