Tullahoma Airport Needs Money

Tullahoma Airport

After having its funding from Coffee County cut from $12,000 per year in 2010 and 2011 to $0 in 2012, the Tullahoma Airport Authority is now requesting $60,000 from the county for 2013, a substantial increase over previous years, citing that the majority of its users are businesses in the Manchester and Interstate Industrial Parks, as well as for Bonnaroo. Karla Smith, the Authority’s treasurer, and Airport Manager Jon Glass say that the heaviest users of the airport are M-Tek, Createc and Nissan, some of which are located in Coffee County outside of Tullahoma, yet the majority of the airport’s funding comes from the city of Tullahoma. Glass said that Tullahoma appropriates $125,000 a year, while last year the county gave them nothing. Members of the county commission this week said that they would not have as much problem with giving the airport money if there was a member from the county, to which Smith said she had no problem with that as there use to be a county commissioner on the board.