Over 32,000 Coffee County citizens are registered to vote today (August 7th) in state and federal primaries, as well as the Coffee County General election and the Tullahoma and Manchester city elections. Locally, Manchester voters will elect 3 aldermen from 8 choices. Tullahoma voters will be weighing in on a mayor, two aldermen seats, and two school board seats. In the county elections, County Mayor, Trustee, Road Superintendent, Register of Deeds, Judge Part 2 and District Attorney are all contested races. Several county commission and constable seats are also up for grabs. State contested races include U.S. Senate, Governor, 6th District Congress and state executive committee.
5,668 people cast ballots in Coffee County during the early voting period.
Polls in Coffee County open at 8am today (August 7) and close at 7pm. Remember your photo ID to vote. WMSR “Thunder Radio” (107.9FM, AM 1320 and wmsrradio.com) and WHMT “The Ticket” (105.1FM, AM 740 and theticketradio.com) will broadcast live election results beginning at 7pm tonight (August 7).