Thin Blue Line Banner donated to Manchester Police

Thin blueThe Manchester Police Department would like to thank Harden Signs for creating and donating the “thin blue line” banner and installing it on the outside wall of city hall as a show of respect for the law enforcement community.
Manchester Police Department says that Harden Signs has been a local business in Manchester for many years and has always worked hard to support their community. All those at the department are sending their prayers for all of the law enforcement agencies and their families that have dealt with unimaginable violence and loss over the past couple weeks.
Brian Harden says that Alderman Cheryl Swann came to them with the idea and they were more than happy to do it. Brian and his brother Jamie just felt like with all that’s going on in our nation with the attacks on our police and first responders that they wanted to donate the banner. Harden says it was Harden Signs’ way of saying, guys we’ve got your back and felt like with local citizens driving by, it would remind them to keep local officers in their thoughts and prayers.