Senator Lamar Alexander Visits Coffee County

Lamar speaks to supporters at the Oak Restaurant in Manchester on Tuesday. Photo by Samantha Terrell-Waters

Lamar speaks to supporters at the Oak Restaurant in Manchester on Tuesday. Photo by Samantha Terrell-Watters

Lamar Alexander’s tour bus outside the Oak Restaurant in Manchester on Tuesday. Photo by Samantha Terrell-Waters

Lamar Alexander’s tour bus outside the Oak Restaurant in Manchester on Tuesday. Photo by Samantha Terrell-Watters

U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander visited Manchester on Tuesday as part of his two week “Standing up for Tennessee” Bus Tour.  At the Oak Restaurant, the US Senator met with local voters over lunch as part of his 35 stop tour before Election Day.  Since 2002, Lamar has served in the US Senate. During his visit to Manchester, Alexander expressed his desire for re-election in order to enact positive change in his role as Chairman of the Committee of Education, Labor, & Health.

Story and pictures by Samantha Terrell-Watters