Safety Tips For Using Generators During Cold Weather

generatorWith temperatures expected to drop down to as low as zero this week, the State Fire Marshal’s Office is reminding residents to use portable generators safely this winter.  In a statement released by the TN Department of Commerce and Insurance, Commissioner Julie Mix McPeak says “it’s essential that you take precautions for your safety” when using a generator should power outages take place.  Safety Tips: -Never use generators inside your home or enclosed areas. Generator released carbon monoxide, which is odorless, can be deadly. A battery-powered carbon monoxide alarm should be installed in the area you are using a generator.  -Use fresh gasoline and allow the engine to cool for at least two minutes before refueling. Generators shouldn’t be used near combustible materials.  -Generators shouldn’t be used in wet conditions and should never be used by plugging it in to a home’s wall outlet due to electrocution risk. Appliances should be plugged directly into the generator and cords should not be coiled, instead laid in flat, open locations.