New Command At AEDC

Air Force Test Center Commander Brig. Gen. Arnold Bunch Jr., left, presents the flag for the newly-redesignated Arnold Engineering Development Complex to Commander Col. Raymond G. Toth during a change of command ceremony July 6 at the University of Tennessee Space Institute. (Photo by Rick Goodfriend)

After several back-to-back ceremonies this past Friday, Arnold Air Force Base has a new commander.
Col. Raymond G. Toth took over command of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex from Air Force Test Center Commander Brig. Gen. Arnold Bunch Jr.
In the first of three ceremonies, Col. Michael Brewer, AEDC’s previous commander, was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. Brewer then relinquished command of AEDC to Air Force Materiel Command Commander Gen. Janet Wolfenbarger.
The second ceremony redesignated Arnold Engineering Development Center as Arnold Engineering Development Complex. The redesignation is part of AFMC’s plan to consolidate its number of centers from 12 to five in an effort to save about $109 million annually.
The final event was the appointment of command ceremony where Bunch presented the complex’s flag to Toth.
Brewer, who will soon take command of the 412th Test Wing at Edwards AFB, Calif., took command of AEDC Aug. 2, 2011, from Col. Michael Panarisi. The U.S. Senate confirmed a brigadier general appointment for Brewer in December.