The 2014 Veteran’s Day Ceremony in Manchester was held last Tuesday on the Square and once again honored the men and women who have and are currently serving our country today. This ceremony included patriotic performances by the CCCHS Band & Choir, just to name a few. Country Superstar Naomi Judd also returned to last week’s Veteran’s Day Ceremony as the special guest for the 2nd consecutive year. 11 men and women were chosen and honored with swords during this year’s ceremony. To see a complete list of those honored or to watch video clips from this year’s event, watch the all new Thunder TV News Video online at
2014 Honored Veterans:
1. SGM AL Toth
18th Airborne Corp
U.S. Army Korea-Vietnam
Aug 6, 1948-Sept 29, 1971
2. Captain Dean Northcutt
1542nd Infantry Commander
United States Army-Vietnam
Sept 12, 1966-Aug 9, 1970
3. Tech 5 John (Buck) Hannah
88th Infantry Division
United States Army-WWII
Oct 19, 1945-April 7, 1947
4. LCpl Pete Sain Jr.
United States Marine Corps
August 1957-August 1960
5. SGT Frank W. Jacobs
7330th Flying Wing Squadron
United States Air Force
May 1, 1953-April 30, 1957
6. SGT Stephen M. Hale
Co. D. 2nd Bn. 7th Cavalry Div.
United States Army-Vietnam
May 25, 1967-May 23, 1969
7. SSGT Donald Qualls
117th Regiment RTI
United States Army
June 6, 1972-Aug 21, 2014
8. Muriel Harris
9. Airman 1st Class Edna Ruth Cravens
604th Communications Squadron
United States Air Force-Korea
Dec 2, 1952-Nov 6, 1957
10. Corporal James L. Sain
3rd Bn. 6th Marine Reg
Dominican Republic Campaign
June 1964-June 1967
11. SGT Bill Long
1st Airborne Division CJA
United States Army-Vietnam
August 1964-December 1966