Manchester School Board Agenda: June 20th

Manchester School Board will meet on Monday, June 20th. Meeting will be held at 5 p.m. at City Schools Central Office, 215 E. Fort St. in Manchester. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.

Agenda below:

1.1 Recognition of Visitors
1.2 Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
1.3 Intent to Address the Board

    2.1 Minutes of May 9, 2022
    2.2 Additions/Deletions and Acceptance of Agenda
    2.3 Agreement to Administer the School Nutrition Program(s) for Local Education
    Agencies/SFAs 2022-23 School Year
    2.4 Local Agriculture Products Compliance Plan 2022-23 School Year
    2.5 Contractual Agreement with Manchester City Schools and Certified Occupational
    Therapist, Cindy Houck
    2.6 Contractual Agreement with Manchester City Schools and Certified Physical Therapist,
    Clay Dyer
    2.7 Contractual Agreement with Manchester City Schools and Certified Occupational
    Therapy Assistant, TOP Rehab Services
    2.8 Contractual Agreement with Manchester City Schools and Certified Physical Therapy
    Assistant, TOP Rehab Services
    2.9 Contractual Agreement with Manchester City Schools and School Speech/Language
    Pathologist, Beth Marchesoni
    2.10 Contractual Agreement with Manchester City Schools and Andrea Vazquez, Spanish
    2.11 FY23 Consolidated Application Approval for IDEA/ESEA
    2.12 Declaration of Technology Surplus
    3.1 Director of Schools Evaluation
    3.2 Consideration of Approval – Service Therapy Dog for the District
    3.3 Consideration of Approval – Contractual Agreement Nov-verbal Communication Expert
    3.4 Consideration of First and Final Reading on Policies
    On matters of unusual urgency, by an affirmative vote by a majority of the members of
    the Board, the Board may waive the second reading limitation and take immediate action
    to adopt new or revised policies. The Board may also vote to waive the second reading if
    a proposed amendment to a policy is considered housekeeping or clerical in nature