Election Day Is Here

vote hereEarly voting in Tennessee for the November 4th election was down when compared to the early voting numbers four years ago.
According to number from the Tennessee Secretary of State’s office, a total of 629,487 voted early this year. That’s more than 107,000 less than voted early in 2010.
5,317 people voted early in Coffee County, that’s just over 16% of the registered voters throughout the county.
All voters must go the precinct assigned according to their residential address. If you have moved you will be asked to fill out a fail‐safe form which may require the voter to go to another location to vote.
Polls in Coffee County will open at 8:00am and close at 7:00pm. A Federal or Tennessee State photo ID is required to vote except for voters who are exempt. A voter registration card is helpful but not required.
We have information concerning the voters in District 20, that’s the Coffee County Senior Citizens Center, in Tullahoma.
The Senior Citizens building has a flooding issue and will not be available for voting today (Nov. 4). Voting will take place at the DW Wilson Center across the street.
Live results will air tonight beginning at 7pm.