D.A.R.E. Graduation At Westwood Elementary

Elliot Sain (right) with Manchester Police Chief (left) Mark Yother.

Elliot Sain (right) with Manchester Police Chief (left) Mark Yother.

The Manchester Police Department and Officer Landon Pence have been running the new D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) at Westwood School.
Thursday was graduation day and the Manchester Police Department and Officer Pence congratulated Elliot Sain, who won the Dare essay contest at the first Dare graduation.
Starting in 5th grade, elementary students are given lessons to act in their own best interest when facing high-risk, low-gain choices and to resist peer pressure and other influences in making their personal choices regarding: Tobacco Smoking, Tobacco advertising, Drug Abuse, Inhalants, alcohol consumption and health and Peer Pressure in a Social Network.