Construction At AEDC In October

There will be a minor construction project taking place from Oct. 17 – 22 that will reduce or eliminate some of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex’s (AEDC) Visitor Center services during that timeframe.
This will have a direct impact on base employees, official visitors and the area’s military retirees and their dependents.
The Visitor Center will undergo a minor remodeling/reconfiguration project and some of the computer systems will be disconnected for several days, according to Dan Hawkins, AEDC’s installation security section manager.
“We ask patrons in need of military ID card services during this time to defer their request until after the construction is complete since the equipment required for this service will remain in the construction zone,” Hawkins said. “Emergencies will be handled on a case-by-case basis.”
Visitors coming to the base on official business will receive credentials from a temporary trailer set up in the parking lot. This service will be very limited and only pre-made credentials can be issued during this timeframe.
“We appreciate everyone’s patience during this time,” Hawkins said.
For additional information, please call Hawkins at 931-454-5504.