With newly elected officials in Coffee County now sworn-in some big changes have already taken place at the district attorney’s office. Coffee County District Attorney General Craig Northcott is working at putting together his new team. Northcott has decided not to retain four employees including two longtime assistant district attorneys. Felicia Walkup, assistant district attorney for over 10 years; Marla Holloway, assistant district attorney for nine years; Kathy Walker, Child Support administrator for 10 years; and Stacey Dotson, an administrative assistant for four years.
“A lot of difficult decisions had to be made regarding personnel,” Northcott told The Tullahoma News on Thursday, “but only to make sure I have the right group of people who I believe will serve the community best, and who share the same mission that I have.”
Northcott began his duties today.
Others beginning new jobs today: Coffee County Mayor Gary Cordell, Register of Deeds Donna Toney, Road Superintendent Benton Bartlett and Trustee John Marchesoni.