Changes At Manchester City Hall

Manchester Mayor elect Lonnie Norman... By Barry West

The City of Manchester recently elected a new mayor and 3 new aldermen. Citizens expected changes, and some are taking place. Mayor-elect Lonnie Norman told WMSR News that current Safety Commissioner Ross Simmons has decided to retire on Aug 21. Norman said Simmons will be paid $120,000 for his vacation and sick-time that he earned and was not taken. Police Captain Wilma Thomas has also chosen to retire on the same date. The newly elected mayor said a new chief will be named soon for the police and fire departments.
Norman said there has been some confusion over the downtown cruise-ins. He stated the city would support an organization that would want to hold a cruise-in, but the city could not sponsor an event.
Norman went onto to tell WMSR News that the Program Coordinator job that is currently held by Jeff Burnett will be done away with. He added that grant writing will be done individual departments. The new mayor-elect said the Joy Ballard, who currently works in the finance department, will become the mayor’s secretary. Her position will not be filled in the finance department.