In a press release from Manchester City Schools Director Dr. Prater Powell, he says that in light of his arrest Friday night, College St. elementary teacher Gary Hawkins has been placed on administrative leave without pay. Hawkins, 32, was booked into the Coffee County Jail on charges of child abuse Friday night after turning himself in. He is now free on $25,000 bond. A witness came forward to authorities and described excessive bruises on Hawkins’ 12-year-old daughter’s back and buttocks area. According the arrest warrant, the child suffered small abrasions on her buttocks, back, rear thigh, arms and hands. “The bruising was still apparent approximately 20 hours after the alleged incident,” the warrant states. The warrant alleges that Hawkins “spanked” the child for making three “C’s” on her report card. Director Powell added “the Manchester City School system takes the safety and care of the children entrusted to it very seriously and our personnel are held to a high standard”. Dr. Powell continued, “While it is important to note there have not been any allegations against any of the students in Hawkins’ class, given the nature of the charge, I felt this was the appropriate action to take, pending further investigation into the matter.