Aaron’s Sales and Lease Student of the Week

Maggie Partin - Student of the Week

Maggie Partin – Student of the Week

The Aaron’s Sales and Lease Student of the week for 17 October 2014 is Maggie Partin. Maggie is in eighth grade at Westwood Middle School in Manchester. She is the daughter of proud parents Chad and LeAnn and has a little brother. She was nominated for this award because she exemplifies what is is to be a Westwood Rocket. Maggie is a cheerleader and also an avid golfer. Her favorite subject is science because she is very interested in the medical area. She hopes to be a pediatrician at Vanderbilt Hospital when she grows up. Maggie was presented with a plaque (courtesy of K&S Trophies of Tullahoma) and a set of tickets to an up-coming Nashville Predators game. Congratulations to Maggie Partin, the Aaron’s Sales and Lease Student of the Week.
